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Showing posts from July, 2024

Hidden Hills

  Hidden Hills Dive into the enchanting world of Cheryl Knoll's "Hidden Hills," a poetic odyssey that unveils the hidden contours of the human heart. This collection is a mosaic of emotions, each poem a piece intricately laid to form a breathtaking landscape of introspection and revelation. Knoll's poetry is a beacon for the weary traveler, guiding us through the undulating terrains of love's labors, the shadowy valleys of loss, and the luminous peaks of hope. Her words are a gentle reminder that the seeds of our greatest growth lie within our struggles. One of the standout pieces in this collection is "The Visit," a poem that captures the essence of seeking solace and guidance in nature's embrace: "She went for a visit to those hidden hills, She made a pilgrimage to her hiding place. She had a meaningful conversation With a wildflower with a beautiful face." Like many others in the book, this poem is a testament to Knoll's abilit

Grandfather's Enduring Love

  Grandfather's Enduring Love In a saga that transcends the ordinary, "Grandfather's Enduring Love" by Kenneth David Musser presents a heartfelt journey through four generations of a Kansas family. This memoir not only chronicles their struggles and triumphs but also delves deep into the fabric of love, loss, and faith that binds them together. Set against the backdrop of rural America, the narrative is a poignant reflection of a family's resilience in the face of adversity. At the heart of the story are the tragic events that befall the family, including the harrowing incident on New Year's Day 1927, when Kenneth's maternal grandmother perished in a fiery accident. This catastrophic event is but one chapter in a series of family tragedies that span four continuous generations, each marked by its trials and tribulations. Through the author's lens, we witness the love story of Irvin and Anna, a testament to enduring love that withstands the test of time

From Struggle to Strength: A Father's Journey with Autism and the Power of Hope and Positivity

    From Struggle to Strength: A Father's Journey with Autism and the Power of Hope and Positivity Many fathers resist assisting their children on the autism spectrum.  Some are too stubborn or macho to accept the autism diagnosis. And once upon a time, Harry Psaros was that guy. Harry wants to be a voice for dads in the autism fight.  From Struggle to Strength  was written so other dads can learn from Harry's mistakes, work with their family to support their child on the spectrum and their successful development, see how his son Gus is thriving with the support of both parents, and ultimately understand that an empowered mindset drives lasting growth and fulfillment in the journey with autism. From practical advice for nurturing your child's growth to the mental attitudes and mindsets that parents of children with autism need to succeed,  From Struggle to Strength  helps fathers step up and be the support for their children that they long to be.  Yes, there is confusion on