Master Class
How to Publish Books
Finally, there is help for those who want to learn how to publish their own books or get a contract. Everybody has a story to tell, knowledge to share, and something to teach. Publishing is the way to do it, and Tabbatha Gabriel is sharing everything she has learned in the publishing industry with others. This is the first step on that journey. This course has over 200 hours, over 180 lessons that cover over 42 topics with PDF's, videos, and demos.
Tabbatha Gabriel is an award-winning author and artist, and she has been in the publishing industry for two decades. An author turned publisher, now brings other author’s works to people worldwide. Her company places books in stores in over 9 countries and in digital form in over 190 countries. In this book, she shares her knowledge and experience to help people on their publishing journey by going over the basics. From there, you can proceed through her other material allowing you to approach publishing with confidence.
Explanation of the publishing business
Genres, categories and word counts
Book sizes, paper, and card stocks
Offset printing and print on demand
Literary agents and publishers
Contracts and consignments
Fees and royalties
Queries and submissions
ISBN and barcodes
Trade discounts, buybacks and commissions
Amazon, Ingram Spark and Baker & Taylor
US Copyrights
US Library of Congress
How to get into bookstores and so much more
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