Index Funds: A Simple and Concise Introduction for Beginners to Grow Wealth
This book aims to equip beginning investors with introductory knowledge to begin investing in index funds in a simple and concise manner. After reading this book, you should be able to understand the terms and charts available when looking at an index fund on a company’s website. This information is targeted at new and beginning investors, so more experienced investors may find this information oversimplified and unuseful. Additionally, this is not meant to be exhaustive or too in-depth but to provide new investors with introductory knowledge. Investing is important because it provides individuals with methods to grow their wealth. The concept of your money working to earn you more money. Index funds have been championed by popular and famous investors, such as Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and John C. Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group. Index fund recognition stems from their ease and accessibility to beginning investors through their lower cost to buy, maintain, & pay taxes on, their overall stability through diversification, and minor financial understanding by investors. This book does not pad for content and includes only the most necessary information.
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