There's no love like a mother's love!
This ode to daughters everywhere explores a mother's struggle and unending love for her little girl. Always Together tells the story of every mother's inner thoughts and is written in the form of a letter to her daughter as she's growing up.
This rhyming children's story is meant to help daughters understand their mothers and in that process, bring them closer together.
About Author:
Casey Gale is a successful real estate professional and a single mom. As a real estate manager, Casey helps organizations and companies find innovative and cost-effective temporary housing solutions throughout the United States and Internationally.
An accomplished professional, Casey takes every opportunity to give back to her community and help others. She dedicates her time to fighting hunger and non-profit affiliations that assist with family and youth services through education.
A passionate reader herself, Casey decided to express her family experiences in children’s books. Her first children’s book is Always Together, a book that helps mothers and daughters connect through love.
In her downtime when she isn’t working or playing with her daughter. Casey enjoys Pilates, Yoga, Stand Up-Paddle Boarding and reading a good book.
Facebook: @caseygaleofficial
Instagram: @caseygaleus
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