Sophia Maria and The Rainbow of Courage Join Sophia Maria, a curly-haired girl from a small town, on an enchanting journey through a world colored by bravery, grace, joy, and creativity. Sophia Maria's constant companion, Anxiety, fills her thoughts with worry and fear, stifling her happiness. One day, she encounters a vibrant rainbow that leads her to meet colorful characters, each embodying a unique quality to conquer Anxiety's grip. With Ruby's bravery, Oscar's grace, Summer's joy, Sage's serenity, Blake's resilience, and Violet's creativity, Sophia Maria discovers her own rainbow of strengths. Armed with this newfound courage, she confronts her fears, understanding that she doesn't have to let Anxiety control her life. This beautifully illustrated tale explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the power of embracing one's unique qualities. Click here to get Sophia Maria and The Rainbow of Courage on Amazon / Kindle