Talk About It!: 12 Steps to Transformational Conversations...even when you disagree In a world where we communicate constantly using different modalities – online and off – at any time of the day or night globally, we are more disconnected than ever. Research has shown that we feel more isolated as time passes, with the "us vs them" mentality widening the gap. What is painfully clear is our diminishing ability to talk to each other from a place of authenticity, vulnerability and courageousness. With social media now determining how we view ourselves and others, reclaiming our need for true connection is becoming increasingly important. Having more thoughtful conversations will allow us to unmask ourselves – leading to transformative experiences – at home and in the workplace. Doing so doesn't have to be as scary or impossible. When conversations are rooted in truth and compassion, no matter the topic, they can serve as a catalyst to creating lasting bonds and revolutio...